The production, view, and download of Colorized Sub-aperture Images is limited to approved Organizations during the Beta period. Contact Capella Support if you would like access or believe your Organization should have access.
CSI products can be found through the supported Capella Console search functions, such as by Collect ID, STAC ID, bounding box, polygon, lat/lon, point, etc. CSI products are cataloged in the “capella-beta-analytics" collection and searches can be filtered using this parameter. CSI products are identified in the search results through the Product Type: CSI. The CSI will be displayed in search results along with other product types that have been processed for the same collect ID. Other possible product types include image product types (e.g. SLC, GEO), analytic product types (e.g. VS, ACD), and other beta analytic product types (e.g. FL, AR).
The following screen shot shows a results list (left) from a search using a Collect ID. For this Collect ID, the Organization has access to four image product types, a Vessel Detection product, and the CSI product (yellow arrow). The box has been checked next to the CSI product so that the Preview Image is visible on-screen. It is possible to toggle back and forth between the CSI and the GEO image previews using the check-boxes.
In addition to Console, CSI are also available through the API and Organizations can be set up to have CSI pushed to their AWS S3.