Edit repeat name and description after submission
For single point and area tasking requests, the option to edit the Target Name and Target Description after task submission have been added. From the Repeat Request Details page, users can click on the Edit link in the top right corner of the page and will be provided the option to change one or both parameters.
Name and description changes apply to the overall repeat request name as well as any individual tasks generated after the edit is submitted. Users who would like to change the name of individual tasks within a repeat series should do so from the Task Details page for each task.
API users can also change the target name and description by submitting the following to PATCH{repeatRequestId}:
"repeatrequestName": "New task name",
"repeatrequestDescription": "New task description"
Task cancellation cost provided prior to cancellation
When choosing to cancel a tasking request, Console now provides information about the cost to cancel a task when a user clicks the Cancel button from the Task Details page.
For more information on how these costs are calculated, please see the What is the tasking cancellation policy? article.