Tasking with azimuth angle in Console
Single and repeat tasking requests can now be submitted in Console with a designated azimuth angle by opening the Optional Parameters panel from the Create New Task page. A circle showing the full azimuth angle will appear on the map and will be shaded in based on the angles designated by the user. For more information, please see the Tasking with azimuth angle in Console support article.
Updated sample data on Console
The sample datasets provided on the Console home page were updated to include all six of the collection types available from Capella. These datasets are included in Capella's Open Data program and are provided free of charge.
On March 26, Capella Space will be updating the login system for Console to leverage multi-factor authentication (MFA) from Okta. Additionally, Capella will be rolling out the ability to create and utilize API keys to provide a more secure and scalable experience for the APIs.