The use of Change Detection begins with the submission of a Repeat Task. The steps for creating Repeat Tasks that can be used for Change Detection are listed below along with a screenshot of the user interface.
- Select the point where you would like to task and create a Repeat task
- Select Amplitude Change Detection from the Analytics drop-down menu.
- Select the Repeat Task Start, Repeat Task End, and Tasking Tier
- Consult Repeat Tasking articles for definitions and considerations
- By selecting Amplitude Change Detection, the Repeat Task form will default to certain parameters that require user input:
- Repeat cycle = bi-weekly, monthly, or other
- Imaging mode = Spot or Strip
- Look Angle Tolerance = 10 (user to select appropriate angle tolerance)
- By selecting Amplitude Change Detection, the Repeat Task form will default to certain parameters that may not be changed by the user:
- Maintain Scene Framing = True
- Select Optional Parameters
- Product Category = Default is Standard. Select Custom if longer or wider Stripmaps are desired.
- The parameters set here for Orbital State, Orbital Plane, and Observation Direction will influence expected acquisition frequency, cadence, timing of initial collection, and more. Consult Using Mission Awareness to Plan Repeat Tasks for considerations
- Adjust the Look Angle Tolerance based on revisit needs. Consult Revisit: Important considerations for tasking with Change Detection.
- Click Create Task, review configuration, and Submit or Modify on the subsequent screens.
- Change Maps are created after the second and each subsequent image in a Repeat Task series until the Repeat Task End state is met.