Vessel detection analytic products are available through the Capella Console search. Vessel detection products may be viewed in console along with the source imagery.
The following screen shot shows a vessel detection result in the search list. The map displays the Vessel Detection results on top of the source GEO image.
Note: displaying Vessel Detection on top of the GEO image is possible by selecting the GEO image first and the Vessel Detection results second (so the vessels show on top of the SAR image)
Important: The Capella console does not link a Vessel Detection result to its source image. Thus, you could display any SAR image under any Vessel Detection image, which could be confusing if the results don't match the image. However, this can also be used to understand how vessels moved between scenes.
Note: Each Vessel Detection result displays the vessel count as part of the search item.
Selecting the Vessel Detection item displays the metadata fields for the collect along with two additional fields specific to Vessel Detection:
Count: This is the total count of vessels located in the scene.
Count Uncertainty: This is the error bound estimate that applies to the total count. This is presented as a + or - a number. For example, if the Count is 50 and the Count Uncertainty is +/- 5, the range with statistical error included is from 45 to 55.
An example of the Vessel Detection detail page is shown below.