Once downloaded, the ACD Change Map GeoTIFF will not be automatically colorized according to the Red is Fled, Blue is New convention that is visible on Console. Below are step by step instructions to colorize the change map in QGIS, a common, freely downloadable Geographic Information Systems application.
1. Right click on the layer, and select “Properties” as shown:
2. In the Symbology window, select “Render Type” and set it to “Singleband Pseudocolor.”
3. Set the interpolation to “Discrete” and Mode to “Equal Interval”. Set Classes to “10”:
4. Click on the “Transparency” tab in the left menu bar and set it to 50%.
5. Stack the source image layers under the change maps, using the following settings:
The Cumulative Count Cut (set to [2, 98] in the above screenshot) can be used to adjust overall brightness and contrast. For more detailed adjustments to brightness and contrast see: https://support.capellaspace.com/hc/en-us/articles/7124025490964-Scaling-GEO-Images-in-QGIS
6. The resulting display should look like this: