Vessel Detection Files
Each vessel detection analytic produces a set of files. The screen shot shows the download options from the Capella Console order page. The files are described below.
File Content | File Type | Naming Structure | Description |
Vessel Detections (Thresholded) |
<file_name>.geojson* |
Primary User Product. Vessel detections are filtered to include only detections with a confidence score of 0.5 or higher. Detections over land are removed from this result set. The file name corresponds to the source image used to produce the vessel detection results. Example vessel detection file naming: CAPELLA_C03_SP_VS_HH_20220405044622_20220405044647.geojson Which corresponds to the GEO product from which it was derived: CAPELLA_C03_SP_GEO_HH_20220405044622_20220405044647.tif Note: The GeoJSON results are provided in UTM projection to match the imagery. |
Vessel Detections (Diagnostic) |
<file_name>_diag.geojson* |
Diagnostic version. Contains vessel detections without thresholding or land mask is applied. Example file name: CAPELLA_C03_SP_VS_HH_20220405044622_20220405044647_diag.geojson Note: The GeoJSON results are provided in UTM projection to match the imagery. |
Landmask |
<file_name>.tif |
A tif file indicating where land and water exists in the scene. This mask is applied to the confidence filtered detection file to remove detections over land masses. Example file name: CAPELLA_C03_SP_VS_HH_20220405044622_20220405044647_landmask.tif |
*Although the file formats containing Vessel Detection are GeoJSONs, the data is in an UTM projection which matches the GEO product used to derive the results. The CRS is defined within the GeoJSON file as noted below. The EPSG code will correspond to the specific UTM projection used, which varies by geography.
"crs": { "type": "name",
"properties": { "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::32610" }