If you have an existing single point tasking request you would like Capella to recollect, you can skip entering the information again into Console and easily resubmit the same tasking request to the Capella system using the Retask functionality. (For instructions on how to submit a retask request in the API, please visit the API documentation site.) This functionality is not available for area tasking.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Navigate to your existing tasking request from the Task Table by clicking on the name of the tasking request
2. Click the Retask button in the upper right corner of the Task Details page
Clicking on Retask will bring up the Retask page with information and collection parameters from the original request copied over.
3. Modify the parameters of new tasking request
To make it easier to traceback between the original and the new tasking request, 'Retask' is appended at the end of the original Task Name. The Task Description is blank, but the original Tasking Request ID will be appended to the description when submitted (see final step).
The Target Name, Target Description, Window Open, Window Close, Tasking Tier, Archive Holdback, and the two custom attributes fields can be modified. All other parameters are uneditable and pull from the original tasking request.
4. Click the Create Task button
5. Confirm the new tasking request is correct and click the Submit New Task button
6. New tasking request will be submitted to the Capella system for scheduling and collection
At this stage, you can see the original Tasking Request ID was appended to the Task Description upon submission to provide traceability between the original and the retask requests.
Creating geometrically similar collects
Retasking an existing tasking request will instruct the Capella system to collect an image that matches the original tasking parameters. It is meant to enable simplified resubmission of common tasking requests, not to generate cohesive collections or data stacks.
If the original tasking request specified look angles of 5-50 degrees, for example, the collect created from the original tasking request may have a look angle of 38 degrees while the retasked request my have a look angle of 11 degrees. If you need to resubmit a tasking request to generate cohesive images, then you should use the Retask an image from the archive functionality.