If you have find an image from the Capella archive you would like to see recollect, you can easily resubmit the same tasking request to the Capella system using the Retask functionality. The Capella system will construct a new single tasking request based on the image collected, eliminating the need for you to examine the collection metadata and manually create the tasking request in Console. (For instructions on how to submit a retask request in the API, please visit the API documentation site.) Creating a repeat tasking request based on an image from the archive is not currently supported.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Search the Capella archive to find imagery of interest over your AOI
See the Searching for SAR data article for detailed instructions on how to use the search functionality in Console.
2. Locate the imagery of interest and select the arrow located on right of the imagery record
3. Click the Retask button at the bottom of the imagery details panel
Clicking on Retask will bring up the Retask page with collection parameters from the collection copied over. If you decide you do not want to retask this particular image, you return to the collection in the Catalog by clicking on the hyperlinked Collect ID next to Single Task at the top of the Retask page.
3. Modify the parameters of new tasking request
The Target Name, Target Description, Window Open, Window Close, Tasking Tier, Archive Holdback, Look Angles, and the two custom attribute fields can be modified.
The look angle range defaults to +/- 5 degrees from the original collect. In this example, the original collect had a look angle of 25.1 degrees, so the look angles of the new tasking request are constrained to 20.1 and 30.1. Users can override this value to be any value within the full range of look angles supported by Capella.
All other parameters are uneditable and will default to the values in the original collect. If an image was collected using an orbital plane not currently available, Console will not allow you to submit the tasking request.
4. Click the Create Task button
5. Confirm the new tasking request is correct and click the Submit New Task button
6. New tasking request will be submitted to the Capella system for scheduling and collection
To make it easier to traceback between the original collection and the new tasking request, the Collect ID is automatically added to the Task Description field upon submission.
Creating geometrically similar collects
Retasking an existing image from the Capella archive will instruct the Capella system to collect an image that matches the original collection as close as possible. The look angle tolerance between the original image and the retasked image is locked at +/- 10 degrees.
If the original collect had a look angle of 32 degrees, for example, the collect created from the new tasking request may have a look angle between 22 and 42 degrees.