Easily resubmit an existing tasking request
It is now possible to easily resubmit an existing task or repeat task series to the Scheduler through Console via the Retask button in the upper right corner of the Task Details page.
Clicking on Retask will bring up a new Create New Task page with information and collection parameters from the original request copied over. For a single task or an individual task within a repeat series, the Target Name, Target Description, Window Open, Window Close, and Tasking Tier can be modified. For a repeat series, the Target Name, Target Description, Repeat Task Start, Repeat Task End, Tasking Tier, and Repeat Cycle can be modified. All other parameters are uneditable.
To make it easier to traceback between the original and the new tasking request, 'Retask' is appended at the end of the original Task Name and the Tasking Request ID is added to the Task Description field.
New 'sort' and 'order' parameters for GET /tasks API endpoint
It is now possible to call the GET /tasks Public API endpoint and specify a field to sort the results as well as the direction of the sort (ascending or descending).
An API call that uses these new parameters takes the following form:
'sort' parameter
A field in the task properties to sort the results on. For example, sort=windowOpen. Results are sorted by the submissionTime field by default if not specified.
Valid values for the 'sort' parameter include:
- archiveHoldback
- collectionTier
- lastStatusCode
- lastStatusMessage
- lastStatusTime
- repeatrequestId
- submissionTime (default)
- taskingrequestDescription
- taskingrequestId
- taskingrequestName
- userId
- windowClose
- windowDuration
- windowOpen
'order' parameter
Direction in which the sorted field data will appear. For example, order=desc. This parameter is ignored unless a sort parameter is defined. This value defaults to desc if not specified.
Valid values for the 'order' parameter include:
- asc
- desc
Improved links in Console task status emails
A View Task in Console action button has been added to all Console task status emails to provide a direct link to the referenced Task Details page in the Console UI. In addition, a copyable text link has been added below the button for email clients that do not support button embedded hyperlinks.
Amplitude Change Detection enhancements
Amplitude Change Detection (ACD) can now be ordered on Sliding Spotlight and custom length and width Stripmap repeat tasks. The repeat task form, repeat-request API tasking endpoint, and ACD algorithm have been modified to permit this expanded functionality. The ACD Algorithm version has been further enhanced for improved accuracy and bug fixes.
- The Window Open date of the first task in a repeat tasking request is the same day as the Repeat Start Date, not the start date plus the repeat interval cadence
- The derived-from links to Amplitude Change Detection (ACD) products now display the correct location on the map in the Console UI
- An error message is now included in the Public API and Console UI for cases where an analytic order is submitted without the corresponding imagery asset