Advanced task search capabilities via the public API
POST /tasks/search endpoint
A new POST /tasks/search public API endpoint has been added at this release to significantly improve the ability for API users to query task data.
Paginated search results
- Page and Limit parameters included to access all task data
Advanced search based on task attributes
- Imaging mode
- Last status code
- Last status message
- Last status time
- Organization id
- Repeat request id
- Reseller id
- Submission time
- Tasking request id
- Task status
- Tasking tier
- User id
- Window open
- Window close
Comparison operators in advanced search criteria
- Equals
- Not-equals
- Less-than
- Less-than-equal-to
- Greater-than
- Greater-than-equal-to
- Starts-with (string)
- Ends-with (string)
- Contains (string)
- In (string list)
Datetime search operators
- Exact datetime
- Interval (closed)
- Between two datetimes
- Interval (open)
- Before or after a datetime
For more detailed technical specifications of this new public API endpoint, please consult the online Tasking API documentation.
Task table display
At this release, the Tasks Table display has been improved to ensure that Console users have the tools necessary to efficiently access and query all task data for a user or organization.
Improved data navigation and exploration interface
Filter data by attributes
Customize visible data fields
The changes referenced above have been made across all Tasks Table displays within the Console UI (User, Organization, Reseller).
POST /repeat-requests/search endpoint
The existing POST /repeat-requests/search public API endpoint has been modified at this release to significantly improve the ability for API users to query task data. This API endpoint is modeled after and has the same capabilities as the new POST /tasks/search public API endpoint referenced above.
The following changes were made to the schema for this endpoint:
- The filter parameter was replaced by a query parameter to be consistent with the POST /tasks/search as well as other endpoints throughout the Capella Public API.
- The skip parameter was replaced by a page parameter to support pagination in a manner that is consistent with other endpoints throughout the Capella Public API
Additionally, the API endpoint response was changed to a paged format. Instead of the JSON response entity being an Array, it is an Object with keys:
“results”: <ArrayOfTaskingRequests>,
“totalPages”: Number,
“currentPage”: Number
Capella Space understands the impact of breaking API changes and makes every effort to limit their frequency and impact.
For more detailed technical documentation, please consult the online Tasking API documentation.
- Styling resolved for View Details link in child task table of Repeat Request Task Details page
- Periodic error fixed when loading the Task Details page for a task with conflicts