Tasks table navigation
The Tasks table has been modified to improve navigation and readability. The field names at the top of the table and the pagination controls at the bottom of the table are now in a fixed position. Additionally, the vertical and horizontal scroll bars have been improved to be more accessible.
API Documentation
- The collectConstraints schema object names in the tasking request properties of the POST /task and POST /repeat-requests endpoints have been changed to be more descriptive and tie more closely to product categories.
- CAPIExtendedCollectConstraints --> StandardCollectConstraints
- CAPICollectConstraints --> CustomCollectConstraints
The StandardCollectConstraints schema contains collect constraint properties for both Standard and Extended product categories. The CustomCollectConstraints schema contains the collect constraint properties for the Custom product category.
- The RepeatRequestStatusUpdate schema has been updated to include the enumerated valid values for the code parameter
- The Example Value for the PATCH /repeat-requests/{repeatrequestId}/status endpoint has been modified to only include the code parameter
- Individual tasks of repeat task series are now included in the task conflict display list on the Task Details page
- The Order Details page has been modified to obscure asset data display until the page is fully loaded