Search archive by ownership
Users can now filter their search of the Capella archive to show only the imagery owned by their organization, shared with their organization, available to the public for free via Capella's Open Data Program, or available for purchase.
Console login screen
As outlined on October 2, 2024, the login screen for Console has been updated and some users may see an option to log in using Okta. Users should continue to login with their username and password, not use the Okta option. No username or password reset is required with this change to the login page at this time. If you experience any difficulty logging in, please contact
Review Task Details page
The overview table shown in Console on the Review New Task page during the submission process for a new single, area, or repeat task has been updated to show the following key parameters:
Additionally, the attributes listed under View Task Details on this page now show the settings for each parameter based on the selected Collection Type, even if the default has not been changed by the user.
Task Details page
The Task Details page has also been updated to reflect the key parameters shown during the review phase and to move the status of the collect(s) for the task to a more prominent position. Additional information about the tasking request configuration can be seen by clicking View Task Details at the bottom of the page.