Tasking and SAR Data Access Release Notes - October 2020
New Features
You can now define your AOI with a geoJSON feature. A new button near the search component allows users to upload a geoJSON, which can define a point or polygon. The defined point or polygon can be used for both data search and tasking.
The window open field in the tasking request page will now default to the current time and will allow times 1 hr in the past.
We have limited place name search results to cities, counties, states, countries to avoid undesirable search results. For example, when you search for Pyongyang, the city will come up and businesses with “Pyongyang” in their name will not.
We have fixed an issue where adjusting the browser zoom caused some components to render incorrectly.
We fixed a bug that caused the window duration of a tasking request to display incorrectly.
The API will now automatically add your user id and organization id to tasking requests.