New Features
Tasking from Change Monitoring Console
Users with tasking permissions now have the ability to place tasking orders directly from a Change Monitoring AOI. Select "Add Tasking Request" displays a reticule that can be adjusted within the AOI. Tasks created from Change Monitoring are requested as Spotlight with 7-day tier and a 14-day window. If different tasking parameters are required it's best to use the Capella Console for flexibility.
Capella Imagery-based Change Detection
Time-series change detection on Capella very high resolution (VHR) imagery is now available. Change detection applies the coefficient of variation (CoV) algorithm to detect changes over a time range of Capella imagery collects. If VHR changemaps are available, a new layer displays in the Layers Panel. The following screenshot shows a change result over Capella imagery.
Analytic Registry
Analytics are now supported through a registry mechanism to selectively enable algorithms by organization.
- Basemap label sizes were increased for better readability.
- Disabled edit configuration from the AOI details page when users without edit permissions.
- Changed extension of AOI boundary to .geojson (from .json)
- Search by AOIs using a lat, lon or lon, lat in the search text box.
- Limit VHR analytics to run only on VHR products available to an organization.
- Fixed issue with downloaded geojson AOI boundaries omitting "properties" and causing issues with other parsers.
- Fixed issue with update date format.
API Version
Remains unchanged at version 2.