If you no longer wish to receive one or more of your repeat tasks you can cancel either the whole repeat task series or a single task. All tasks are subject to our normal cancellation policy.
Cancelling the repeat task series
Choosing to the cancel a repeat task series will cancel all single tasks that are Accepted or Active and will also stop any future tasks from being created.
- In Console, click on the Tasks list icon to view all of our tasks.
- Search for the repeat task you wish to cancel and click on the Task Name.
- On the repeat task page, in the top right click Cancel Task Series.
- A dialogue box will appear for confirmation. Click the Yes, Cancel Task Series button.
- The repeat task will move to the Cancelled status.
Cancelling a single task
Choosing to cancel a single task in the repeat series will only cancel that specific task while existing Accepted or Active tasks will continue to get collected and future tasks will get created.
- In Console, click on the Tasks list icon to view all of our tasks.
- Search for the repeat task you wish to cancel and click on the Task Name.
- On the repeat task page, find the single task from the list that you wish to cancel and click View Details.
- On the single task page, in the top right click Cancel Task.
- A dialogue box will appear for confirmation. Click the Yes, Cancel Task button.
- The single task will move to the Cancelled status and will not be collected.