'Background' standard tasking tier
The Capella Console application and Public API now provide users with a new Background Tasking Tier option for Single Task requests.
For a task with the Background Tasking Tier, the image will be acquired and delivered to the customer if a higher priority order does not bump it from the schedule. A background task is considered to be an opportunistic collect satisfied only when there is available capacity and is therefore charged at a discounted rate.
Shared session between applications
Once a user signs in once -- whether accessing Platform directly, or entering through the Analytics application or the Console application -- the user is able to jump between any application without the need to sign in again. Additionally, logging out of any application logs the user out of all three Capella applications.
- Tasks table updates
- Orders table updates
- Styling changes
- Repeat task requests continue after user moved to another organization
Tasks table updates
The Tasks table has been updated at this release in the following ways to improve usability:
- The Search box has been moved to the top right of the page to allow the table to utilize the full width of the screen
- The Task Name value is now clickable to display the task details page
- The Task ID value has been added to the Task Name / ID column
- The View Details text has been removed from the table
Orders table updates
The Orders table has been updated at this release in the following ways to improve usability:
- The Search box has been moved to the top right of the page to allow the table to utilize the full width of the screen
- The Order ID value is now clickable to display the order details page
- The View Details text has been removed from the table
Styling changes
The following styling changes have been made at this release:
- The Potential Satellite Access Times help icon color has been changed to blue
- The Potential Satellite Access Times hover text background color has been changed to black
- The Refresh Access Times button color has been changed to blue
- The Vessel Detection icon has been changed
- The Vessel Detection hover text background color has been changed to black
Repeat task requests continue after user moved to another organization
If a user creates a repeat task and the user is later moved to another organization, the repeat task requests will continue to execute under the original organization. Previously, repeat task requests would stop executing in this scenario.